Lee Air > Capabilities > Contract Manufacturing

In January of 2017, Lee Air expanded into an 85,000 square feet of climate controlled production space of which 50% is ESD secure and Cooled for optimization of Electronics Assembly. The Manufacturing floor space is currently 30% occupied by ongoing single shift production of proprietary Lee Air Designs and ongoing contract manufacturing. The facility is also equipped with multiple semi-truck loading docks, video surveillance/security, and 170+ secured & unsecured private parking spaces.

Expansion ready with 28,000 square feet immediately available

A Contract Manufacturing Success Story
2008 to Current: Aviation Data Recorder

As an existing OEM supplier to a Global Aircraft Company, Lee Air quickly made the short list of potential manufacturing facilities for an innovative new Aircraft Recording System about to hit the market in 2008. Competency, Capacity and Communication all shaped the decision that started this historic journey and evolution. From compact flash, thru ARINC 429 conversion, to wireless data capability; Lee Air has provided design support and reliable change management required to continue delivering excellence. Over 1400 Data Recorders have been delivered. Monthly shipments continue today and this is how we did it.
- Provided no cost Product Support & Design Assistance during product launch.
- Specified, built and supplied no cost Personal Computers for the benefit of Design Engineers to continue product development without Corporate IT union constraints.
- Deployed illustrated Manufacturing Aid routers for interpretation of drawings.
- Invested in automated computing technologies to align test methods with requirements for the new product line.
- Negotiated jointly with OEM suppliers to reduce costs.
- Stabilized pricing since 2008 via LTA’s and lean focused supply chain.
- Continued no cost Product Support & Design Assistance during the launch of the upgraded Data Recorder in 2012.
- Provided no cost Documentation and Instrumentation of test Articles for Aircraft Certification.
- Proactively notified the Customer of part obsolesce and arranged “life time buys” to avoid design changes.
- Maintained a continuous 100% ontime delivery rating.

Another Contract Manufacturing Success Story
2014 to Current: Solid State Relay Flap Controller

Building on the success of the Data Recorder program, Lee Air was once again called on to build a quality product at an affordable price. Our customer outsourced the Design of the new controller to a Circuit Design Engineer that in turn contracted with Lee Air to build up the prototype Power, Control and I/O PCB assemblies. As the project progressed, Lee Air became the clear choice to continue not only building the Electronics, but the final assembly as well. The Controller is now OEM equipment on several production Aircraft and continues a healthy serial production run. Here again, a summary of what we did best.
- Provided no cost Product Support & Design Assistance during the 2014 production readiness and product launch.
- Reviewed requirements and provided insight for superior testing strategies capable of reducing time and cost of manufacture.
- Rewrote Acceptance Test Procedures taking advantage of simplified test methods/equipment more suited to a production environment.
- Deployed illustrated Manufacturing Aid routers for interpretation of drawings.
- Proactively notified the Customer of part obsolesce and arranged “life time buys”
- Maintained a continuous 100% ontime delivery rating.